We offer English, Western, Dressage, Halter, and Showmanship.
- Private Lesson (single) session $120
- 4 private lessons $400 (SAVE! $20 on each lesson!)
- 8 private lessons for $760, get the 9th FREE!
Bring a friend (2 person lesson)
- 2 people single lesson $120
- 2 people 4 lesson package $420 (SAVE! $5 per person)
- 2 people 8 lesson package $840, get the 9th FREE!
Group Rates. With this lesson package it can vary from just you to having 3-6 others in the group.
- $50 per person
- 4 for $200
- 8 for $400 get the 9th free
All styles of riding are started from the same standard, our basics in equitation. Beginning with balance, through exercise understanding of the physical working of the horse and how your body effects the movement and balance of the performance. We like for our students to have a good working knowledge of how the seat, weight, leg, hand, and artificial aids work. And also how the horse interprets what we want him to do. And if he is not doing what we think he should, then we focus on how we are communicating to him and how we change what we are doing to get the result we would like in the least resistance way. Once the basics are achieved any riding style you wish to choose will be greatly enhanced. We will help in what ever direction you choose from the trail to she show ring.

- Dressage Training
- Clinics
- Shows
- 70 X 22 Indoor Arena
Training Fee: $600/month

Trail Lessons
Lesson/Trail Ride Combo - $100
This is a great way for beginners, first time riders, riders who have not ridden in years to get lesson some instruction and familiarity with riding, Lessons are geared towards safe riding on the trail . The min age for this is 8 years old. This is a great time for children as well as adults. This trail ride is thru the woods and small meadow. Weight limit 220 lbs. Everyone must sign a waiver.
Trail Ride Only - $100
This is a great ride for those that are comfortable around a horse, have ridden before and have had prior arena lessons. The min age for this ride is 12 years old. This is an extension of our trail lessons done more on the trial and less in the arena. When all riders are mounted we head out for the trail. You will be given brief instruction and reminders while on the trail. This trail goes through the woods, meadows, grasslands, wetlands overlook and urban views.
Please be on time or early for your lesson. We like to get the started as close to the scheduled time as possible. Please remember we do have a weight restriction 250 lbs. This is for the safety of you and our horses.
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